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电话: 86-573-88462345#852
姓名: Annie
Bonny Sports Corp.

  Bonny Composite-Tech (Tongxiang) Limited was founded in 1982 in Taiwan area. We are proud of our carbon-fiber products, such as tennis rackets, badminton rackets, squash rackets, table tennis bats, bicycle structures, walking sticks, ski poles, field hockey sticks, softball bats, etc. Besides, we have sportswear, shoes, sports bags and other sports products. In 1992, Bonny established the production line in mainland China. Nowadays, we have over 2,000 employees and a manufactory covering an area of over 100,000 square meters. Bonny Sports has nearly 30 years experience of developing composite-material products and built various patents. According to our core competence of sophisticated manu...

主要产品/业务: Badminton racket/Tennis racket/Squash racket

Bonny Sports Corp. / 浙江 / NO.199, EAST FENGXIANG ROAD, WUTONG DISTRICT,TONGXIANG,ZHEJI (614500 ) / 电话:86-573-88462345#852

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